Lehmän silmin VR
Documentary / Education / Storytelling / Training
A virtual learning environment aimed at promoting the well-being of dairy cattle for vocational training and continuing education.
Koiran maailma VR
Documentary / Education / Storytelling
VR application where the user can experience an ordinary Finnish home and its events from a dog’s point of view.

Winter War battlefield VR
Culture / History / Public installation
Winter War battlefield VR experience in Muisti Centre of War and Peace takes you in the middle of Winter War and shows you what it was like to be on the frontline against the Soviet Union.
VR Karaoke
Entertainment / Music / Public installation
Karaoke VR-experience is one of the main attractions in Finnish Music Hall of FAME in the heart of Mall of Tripla in Helsinki.

Dalskär VR
Art / Culture / Public installation / Tourism
Dalskär VR-experience takes the viewer to see the unique nature and an underwater statuetrail in Archipelago National Park.
Time Machine 2.0 VR
Culture / History / Public installation
Visit the Helsinki from the past. The new Time Machine 2.0 VR introduces an immersive virtual experience featuring Signe Branders photography.

Time Machine 2.0
Culture / History / Public installation
Time Machine 2.0 features an interactive installation presenting the changes in Helsinki city scape through 20th century.
Paradise VR
Culture / Documentary / History / Journalism / Storytelling
Paradise is a part of our Perspectives series. Feel the effects of the first hydrogen bomb in 1952 from ground zero.

Sea level rise VR
Culture / Journalism / Science
2nd episode of Perspectives series, the Sea level rise, illustrates the effects of the rising sea level due to global warming in central Helsinki.
Aleppo - Helsinki VR
Culture / Storytelling
Aleppo – Helsinki was a project studying the possibilities that virtual reality offers for journalism, storytelling and personal experience.

Journey to asteroids VR
Public installation / Space / Tourism
Multiuser VR-experience takes you sightseeing to deep space, visiting jupiter and double asteroids.
Green Mountain VR
Sales & marketing
Virtual tour features two data center locations in Norway, and the key benefits of Norway as a location for data centers.

OODI virtual library VR
Oodi – virtual library was a collaborative design and communication tool used for participating stakeholders in the design process of the library and specially its interiors and functions.

Education / Music / Training
Exaktor is a mobile application for professional musical training and education.
Research / Science / Space
Teatime Research joined the APEX-project (the Asteroid Prospection Explorer) by delivering a feasibility study.

Länsimetro VR
Länsimetro VR is a training experience used by employees working in Länsimetro control/monitoring room.
Culture / History / Tourism
Virtuaalikoski.fi is a virtual web tour for mobile devices. It gives insight to the history and present day of Imatra Rapids.

Frestems VR
Sales & marketing
VR-experiences demonstrate the functions of Frestems military stretcher loading systems and are used for sales and marketing.
Technopolis Tampere VR
Sales & marketing
Technopolis VR-experience is a tool for sales & marketing. It is used for showcasing the future spaces of the upcoming office buildings.

Showroom Vedenvälke VR
Sales & marketing
VR Showroom experience was made for marketing the apartments and the new home design concept launched by YIT.
Redi Buugi VR
Entertainment / Music
Redi Buugi VR was made as an entertainment experience for SRV:s 30th year anniversary event. The VR-setup included a DJ/PA-system, and the audio landscape in the party was made to effect the visual effects of the VR-experience (audioreactive VR environment) in real time.

New school Helsinki VR
Culture / Education / Sales & marketing / Storytelling
New school Helsinki virtual reality experience was featured in Design House Exhibition in Taipei, the design capital 2016.
VR Showroom Redi
Entertainment / Sales & marketing
VR Showroom experience enabled people to visit the upcoming apartments in Majakka residential tower before they were built.